Helpful Resources

These resources offer a diverse range of perspectives and information about the Orthodox Christian faith, catering to individuals at various stages of their spiritual journey. Whether you’re a newcomer, a lifelong Orthodox Christian, or someone exploring the faith, these websites can enrich your understanding and experience of Orthodoxy.

The official website of the Orthodox Church in America provides comprehensive information about Orthodox Christianity in North America. You can access articles, news, liturgical resources, and more. Whether you’re a lifelong Orthodox Christian or just starting to explore the faith, this website is a valuable resource.

This is the official Catechism made by the Orthodox Church in America. It serves as a comprehensive guide to the beliefs, teachings, and practices of the Orthodox Christian faith. Whether you’re new to the faith or seeking a deeper understanding, this catechism provides structured and systematic instruction. These resources offer a diverse range of perspectives and information about the Orthodox Christian faith, catering to individuals at various stages of their spiritual journey.

Death to the World is a unique website inspired by former punk rockers who embraced monastic life within the Orthodox Church. It combines elements of punk rock culture with the teachings of Orthodoxy, offering an unconventional yet engaging perspective on spirituality. Explore their articles, artwork, and thought-provoking content that bridges the gap between punk rock and holy Orthodoxy.

If you’re discerning a vocation within the Orthodox Church, “Good Guys Wear Black” is an invaluable resource. This website guides you through the different ministries within the Orthodox Church, from the role of a reader to the responsibilities of a bishop. It offers insights, advice, and personal stories to help you navigate your own spiritual journey.

Ancient Faith is a prominent platform hosting a wealth of articles and podcasts related to the Orthodox Faith. It features a wide range of content, including theological discussions, historical perspectives, liturgical music, and personal testimonies. This resource offers a deeper exploration of Orthodox Christianity from various angles.

Journey to Orthodoxy is a website that shares inspiring testimonies of individuals who have converted to the Orthodox Christian Faith. Reading the stories of these converts can provide you with unique insights into the diverse paths that lead people to embrace Orthodoxy. It’s a source of encouragement for those considering conversion or those interested in the faith journeys of others.

Urgent Notification

Our building has NO water this weekend. Therefore, no bathrooms. We are canceling Vespers Saturday & Coffee Hour on Sunday. Pass the word.  Preplan your need for a restroom by stopping somewhere before you get to church. 
We start Liturgy at 9:30 without Catechumen service or hours beforehand. We will do an abbreviated Forgiveness Vespers at end of Liturgy.